วันพุธที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

More news junkies beware! My brain choking Old recurrent disease

This drug information is hard to make the brain work from time to time . And too much information causes the brain to choke . Cause fatigue as well as physical and psychological harm.

           That is because our brain has limitations in absorbing and storing the information received. If the information flow in the brain continued to overflow problems . The stress induced And caused a short circuit of the nervous system . Will eventually lose balance in data management. Even in sleep, the brain may be stuck trying to manage the data that has accrued .

For the immediate health effects of the drug include too much information .



           Pain dizziness

           Symptoms upset stomach cigarettes


           People need to be careful is that those with congenital heart disease , including high blood pressure . Will cause the heart to work harder. Heart Attack Risk Higher blood pressure Stroke risk Gastric acid secretion is increased. Gastric disease risk

           The stomach is the same. Symptoms can be aggravated

           People with allergies such as asthma, may cause spasm of the airway suffocation symptoms worse.

           In addition to getting information overload . Still another concern is. To obtain some information is lacking to scrutinize the facts . May be aggravated by stress further given drug may infrequently cause became the optimistic deleted.

           By drugs that information as a result of the feeling that you want new songs to our attention at all times. I wanted to create a common cause to become a big interest, such as forwarding the same message repeatedly until they feel that the piece of news is interesting . Or subject to the completion of their own ideas . Provide ordinary becomes interesting . This phenomenon Easier in the current technology.


I will protect you? Substitute ? MD. Species led to the following recommendations .

           Should be enough time to get the information .

           Avoid discussion of political

           Median time to do other things. The previous job

           Stay at least 6-8 hours to achieve life balance.

           Should exercise at least not less than 30 minutes because exercise makes the brain release happy chemicals called phenolic compounds Endor (endorphine) can eliminate stress naturally . Helps the body to relax And sleep better